24 January 2019
Moniuszko-themed board game launched
Looking for a fun way to introduce your little ones to the music of Stanisław Moniuszko? A new app-driven board game developed by Karol Madaj and Roman Kucharski has just been presented by Wojciech Parchem, head of the Moniuszko Year Office (pictured).
The game has two difficluty levels (an easier one for 4 year-olds and a more advanced one for older children and adults) and works with an app that plays fragments of Moniuszko's art songs. The app is available here.
The launch took place at the Teatr Wielki after Mariusz Godlewski's recital on 23 January 2019.
The game will soon be available for purchase.
(photo: Marta Wódz)